Last Farewell
Baba’s body was kept on the left during the afternoon. All the relatives and the friends around them were sitting around them. Father’s wife was crying and numb. Everyone came together to bathe Baba and poured one copper water on Baba’s body and moved forward. The bath took place and new white clothes were made with Baba.
That fragrant garland of flowers was thrown around their necks. And Baba was put to sleep on the madhe prepared. While completing the rituals on the maada, a boy was standing by his head with an umbrella. Father was kept in heaven after completing all the rituals.
Someone from the women’s class at this place whispered, “Father lived alone in the village, he went to the village all his life without doing it here in the city, and when the disease caught him and put him to sleep on the left, he brought Baba to the city for treatment.”
Seeing all this, I started to have many thoughts. Today, father has not lived in this world, so everyone came to say the last farewell, but when Father was there, would any of them have gone to see him?
Today, the survey is standing to take baba’s last bath. When Father was alive, would anyone listen to him drink ing copper and water the bath?
You’re standing with an umbrella today, but when there was really a need to hold Baba’s head umbrella in the scorching sun, did anyone hold an umbrella?
It’s the last day, so i immediately stitched new clothes and put on baba, and when this father’s body really needed clothes, would anyone have gone to see Dad with new clothes?
The scented furch necklace began to be garlanded and said goodbye. When it was Father’s birthday, would anyone have wished baba with the same fragrant flowers around his neck?
Countless such questions had confused my mind. I could see how wrong we were. When a person is alive, he is longing for everything and when he dies, he gets what he does not. The cost of the living person, however, is zero and the value of the deceased is in thousand.
Now why do you not have to do all this when so much standards were alive to that lifeless body? It didn’t happen when it was time. Today, time has passed and the only greed behind you doing all this is that the dead person would give him everything and beat him forever so that he did not become a ghost or harass him. In the end, man is selfish.
What kind of society and what kind of society…..
The way of a society that does not want a society.